My second unit starts on page 9 with a pocket. (I love pocket pages! They are great for the less organized students, and the students that did not opt for a binder for their homework.) Pages 11 through 13 are vocabulary foldables. I love how compact they are. You can easily fit 10 to a page when you have to (and for 30 vocabulary words, I had to).
My table of contents page (10) and the first of my three vocabulary pages (11).
Page 14 is for naming lines and angles. I made up a table for lines, segments, rays, and the two ways we name angles. I have students identifying what we say, what we write, and what we see. Students will then add the symbol notation to the first page of our notebooks. Also on this page, the formative assessment for the day is to write three Do's and three Don'ts for naming lines and angles.
On page 15, I have the first postulates we learn about. It is all of the postulates from this unit. The first seven postulates are the most basic postulates. I have blanks that students have to fill in so that they hopefully process these postulates. Under that, I have a foldable with five more postulates. The name of the postulate is on the front, the postulate with blanks to fill in are on the inside with a picture describing the postulate. Throughout the unit, students will have to fill in the postulates as we get to them. This worked as a way to organize this information. What has not worked so well was getting students to look back to page 15 to add the information to this foldable. Students completed examples of the segment and angle addition postulates on page 16.
Page 17 is dedicated to constructing segment bisectors. After watching a video on constructing perpendicular bisectors (this is before I teach students about perpendicular - it is also the perpendicular bisector). I wanted students to write the steps for constructing segment bisectors, and then have students switch notebooks with a partner and construct a segment bisector using their directions. If they were not usable/accurate, I would have them re-write the directions together. Unfortunately, we did not have time for this. Students glued in an example of a constructed segment bisector. We did the same thing on page 18 for copying angles and constructing angle bisectors.
On page 19, students glued in an angle pair relationship foldable and completed examples for each type of angle pair relationship.
Page 20 is just like page 19, but with the four angle relationships formed by parallel lines and a transversal.
Page 21 is for the steps on constructing parallel lines. I gave students the steps with blanks for them to fill in, and an example for them to complete and glue into their notebooks. I did the same on pages 23 and 24 for constructing perpendicular lines and equilateral triangles.
Page 22 has four theorems that students use for perpendicular lines. They are given the theorems with blanks to fill in and pictures detailing the theorems.
Excellent way to make children get interested. Thanks for sharing